Rebuilding homes,
Strengthening communities.

Rebuilding Together NYC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering low-income residents of New York City through the preservation of affordable housing and the development of life-sustaining careers in construction trades.

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Rebuilding Together NYC

Rebuilding Together NYC aims to transform the lives of striving New Yorkers by improving the safety and health of homes, reskilling underemployed individuals in the construction trades, and leveraging a robust volunteer and partnership network to revitalize community spaces for local residents.

Our Impact

Rebuild Together NYC transforms the lives of striving New Yorkers through comprehensive programming designed to strengthen the relationship between secure housing and stable employment.

New Yorkers
impacted since 2012
0 +
Invested in individuals
with jobs since 2019
$ 0 M
Invested in Construction
since 2013
$ 0 M

Upcoming Events

Join us at one of our annual events. Come network with fellow philanthropists while providing critical funding to support New Yorkers.

July 25, 2024
She Builds 2024
June 13, 2024
6:00 PM
2024 Rebuild NYC Gala
May 14, 2024
11:00 AM
2024 RTNYC Golf Outing
November 14, 2023
8:30 AM
She Builds 2023

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